Green Space
[Soil, Plastic Sheeting, Green Light, Audio]
Green Space discusses land use change and ecological destruction, particularly the packaging, commodification, and commercialization of nature that is made most evident by examining the artificiality of green spaces. Green spaces, and all other reproductions of “nature,” are human constructs intended to return “natureness” to the spaces where all vestiges of nature have been eradicated. This presents a façade of integration, propped up by greenness, that disguises the rampant habitat destruction, molestation of land, and loss of life that are the result of a human exceptionalist ideology supporting our attempted dominance over the natural world. Green Space is an artificial landscape, where the sense of “nature” is created through the invocation of the color green and the presence of soil, but nature is not green and the soil is packaged, containing life within but not “nature,” a direct parallel to our constructed green spaces.